Thermoplastic binder with electrically conductive graphite powder. Dry film graphite spray lubricant containing finely divided graphite. The volatile carrier allows the sprayed layer to dry quickly on almost any substrate. The binding resin is stable up to 100°C. An extremely useful conductive coating for many materials including glass and plastics.
It is ideal for screening casings made of plastics or wood and the repair of damaged screens of cathode ray tubes.
Grafit can be used for screening of cathode ray tubes, cabinets. GRAPHIT creates a conductive adhesive coating with a high ohmic resistance. GRAPHITE GRAPHITE SPRAY 2ml B-CONDUCTIVE COATING.
CRC Prevlaka na bazi grafita koja omogućava vodljivi sloj na mediju koji nema vodljiva svojstva. Koristi se za izbjegavanje nakupljanja statičkog elektriciteta. Prije korištenja dobro protresti. Spray - conductive paint GRAPHIT - 200ml.
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Dispersion of fine, pure, colloidal graphite in a specially formulated. Kontakt Chemie products. Elektromosan vezető bevonatot képez, nem vezető felületeken.