2016. január 19., kedd



What does parapet mean? In terms of fortification, a parapet (or breastwork) is a wall of stone, wood or earth on the outer edge of a defensive wall or trench, which shelters the defenders. In medieval castles, they were often crenellated. In later artillery forts, parapets tend to be higher and thicker. Parapet definition is - a wall, rampart, or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiers.


How to use parapet in a sentence. A low protective wall or railing along the edge of a raised structure such as a roof or balcony. An earthen or stone embankment protecting soldiers from enemy fire.

Parapets with fish-scale patterns were also used and are indicated in extant wall paintings in Pompeii. A parapet is a low wall along the edge of something high such as a bridge or roof. It may be constructed from brick, stone, concrete, timber or even glass.


Parapets , where roofs meet walls, can create problems and solutions in building technology – learn from Lstiburek how to properly approach them when building. One of the most commonly known types is the embattled parapet , or battlement, which is crenelated — that is, it’s built with alternating high and low portions. Defenders would use the high portions for protection, moving to the low sections just long enough to fire their weapons.

The parapet of an old castle in Switzerland. Find descriptive alternatives for parapet. Synonyms for parapet at Thesaurus. A parapet wall is a low or dwarf wall built along the edge of the roof, terrace, walkway, balcony etc.

Parapet walls can be constructed using different materials like reinforced cement concrete, steel, aluminium, glass etc. Different types of parapet walls and their uses are discussed below. Similar to a barricade, the parapet was the protective wall or earth defense along the top of a trench or other place of concealment for troops. In order to protect the heads and shoulders of men manning the fire-step the parapet was invariably lined with several feet of sandbags.

Bespoke Parapet Systems MOTORWAYCARE brings to the market one of the largest and most aesthetically pleasing collections of parapet systems. At MOTORWAYCARE we can design bespoke parapet systems specifically tailored to your Project requirements. Parapet copings are generally used in circumstances when the roof meets the external walls.


These copings can help disperse rainwater in the building designers chosen a direction as well as being aesthetically pleasing. He was not prepared to put his head above the parapet and say what he really thought (= he did not want to risk doing it). The steel-faced external wall extends into the house to mark the entrance, form a parapet and frame the fireplace. Steel Stud Parapet “Old Timer. Wood blocking and a cant anchored to the structural deck restrain membrane shrinkage at parapet.

Notice the continuity of the control layers. The edge of such a parapet is often trimmed to form an ornamental silhouette. In northern and western Europe, where roofs of steep. NPARAPET RAILINGS.

We are an approved manufacturer and supplier of the Tata ‘Protect 365’ barrier system.

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