2016. szeptember 29., csütörtök

Sika beton

Sika is the market leader in concrete admixture technology. Sika Provides Additional Technical Support for Your Project Sika provides a complete package of documentation to assist owners, architects, engineers and contractors with the right selection of repair principles, methods and products, the production of specifications and tender documents. It is used on relatively new “green” or existing damp concrete, where it acts as a temporary moisture barrier to reduce waiting times for the application of vapor-tight floor systems. In the beginning during the hardening process, the main concern is early-age shrinkage cracking. This allows us to provide the optimum solution for each type of project and application, including the development of our own Aliva sprayed concrete machines.

Sika ’s first product, appropriately named Sika was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in Europe by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior.

Sika arbejder tæt sammen med kunderne og leverer løsninger til produktion af beton , vandtætning, gulve og belægninger, sammenføjninger, limning af trægulve, konstruktionslime, betonreparation og beskyttelse, forstærkning, fugning, forankring, korrosionsbeskyttelse, brandsikring, tagdækning og mere. Sustainability is a key feature and a central element of Sika ’s growth strategy. Tunnelling and Mining. Concrete Construction Products. Sika has unrivalled experience of waterproofing all types of expansion and construction joints in reinforced concrete structures.

Our continuous research and development also ensures the application of the latest available technologies in waterproofing, especially to modern methods of concrete construction and requirements. Sika is considered to be the industry leader on a worldwide basis in concrete repair, protection and refurbishment. Many years of research and development plus decades of.

Sika Worldwide What is your Region and Language? Pour the recommended water in a suitable mixing container. While stirring slowly, add the powder to the water and mix thoroughly at least for minutes adding additional water during. Sika waterproof mortars and bitumen based coatings are rigid or semi-flexible waterproofing products. They are supplied as ready to use solutions to seal against damp soil, seepage and percolating water.

They must be pre-applied on suitable substrates under new structural concrete slabs and are generally post-applied externally on new walls. In mass concrete pours, Plastiment controls temperature rise and reduces the risk of thermal cracking. Initial set times are delaye allowing time for proper placement and finishing without cold joints in hot weather conditions. Sika Saudi Arabia is a leading supplier of specialty chemical products and industrial materials serving construction and industrial markets including transportation, marine and automotive. Its technologies are focused on sealing, bonding, damp proofing, reinforcing and protecting.

Sika ’s product lines include concrete admixtures, specialty. Beton üzletági referenciák SikaSmart City - Sika megoldások különböző területeken Egészségügyi intézmény Szennyvíztisztító Telep Parkoló Gyárépület Hajózás Közlekedési eszközök Kiadványok Építőipari kiadványok Ipari ragasz. USES Dustproofing concrete floors. Specialist Construction Supplies offer a wide range of sika concrete repair and waterproofing materials including sikaflex, sikadur, sika waterproofing system , sikabond , sika epoxy mortars , sika fasts etting repair mortars , sika curing agents , sika concrete sealers.

Sika Dustproofer A ready to use dustproofer and concrete surface hardener for concrete floors, paths, driveways etc. It forms hard insoluble crystals binding together the particles and sealing the surface to form hard impermeable non-dusting concrete and paving. Damage can occur to the concrete in many ways but primarily through incorrect detailing, inadequate or untimely concrete compaction, or by accident.

Sika produces a full range of concrete repair systems, which are compatible with all Sika waterproofing systems.

Sika Pro Select Sealants For over a century, Sikaflex polyurethane sealants have been the product of choice in many high profile construction projects. With excellent adhesion, dirt resistance, paintability and the ability to be immersed in water after curing without affecting its properties, Sikaflex remains unmatched. Spiritul Sika este sinonim cu un set puternic de valori și principii care constituie ADN-ul companiei.

Cinci principi de management exprimă cultura corporativă și sunt fundamentul succesului viitor: clienții în primul rân curajul de inovare, sustenabilitatea și integritatea, emancipare și respect, gestiunea către rezultate.

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