2016. április 4., hétfő

Knauf fireboard

Our systems are extensively tested to ensure they meet necessary fire safety regulations, including British Standards and European Standards. to our newsletter and get exclusive updates. Select business type. This proverbial association of a building material with a manufacturer’s name is not just coincidence.

It is the result of decades of hard work and consistently high quality.

Mit der Zulassung der See-Berufsgenossenschaft Nr. Find out more and view our full range of systems online. The board includes small quantities of glass fibre and vermiculite. Download the certificates here.

Systémy s deskami FIREBOARD jsou určeny zejména pro ochranu ocelových konstrukcí, dřevěných konstrukcí a další speciální protipožární aplikace. In diesem Video die wichtigst. Impact Duty rating refers to a products performance under forceful contact or collision with an object.

Fireboard speciali priešgaisrinė gipso plokštė, naudojama su sausosios statybos sistemomis, skirtomis gaisrinei saugai užtikrinti. Naudojamos ypač aukštiems pasyvios priešgaisrinės saugos reikalavimams įgyvendinti. Did you not find what you were looking for? Why not take a look at our FAQs? W628F Fireboard shaft wall system is a fire resistant system which is installed with DU Channel and single DC Stu and with mm double layer Fireboard on one side.

Go to My Project List Continue Shopping You are not logged in to save your list permanently. The FireBoard should take between – hours to charge. The device will automatically turn on when it is plugged into USB Power.

Starptautiski atzīts, ar iniciatīvu apveltīts būvmateriālu un būvniecības sistēmu ražotājs, kuru raksturo talants un uzdrīkstēšanās saskatīt nākotnes perspektīvas. Ienāc un pārliecinies! Knauf ir ģimenes uzņēmums. This site uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

We are one of the fastest growing and most respected names in insulation worldwide. Strength, fire, thermal, sound and vapour permeability can all be simply adjusted.

Sie erhalten eine Schritt für Schritt A. Fireboards Fireboards are used for new constructions or for the installation of cassette stoves where there is no existing chimney breast. Certain fire resistant boards are made for construction where proper insulation is require whereas others are utilised in order to store and redistribute the heat. GTEC Fire Board is a plasterboard which provides superior fire resistance for stud partitions, wall lining and ceiling systems. Achieve minutes fire resistance from a 15mm single layer partition system.

Vi tager ansvar for større bæredygtighed i byggeriet. Since then they have been continuously supported those in construction with insulation materials across the UK. A unique profile design and embossment, enhances the stiffness of the sections and makes for easy identifications on site.

Glaistas naudojamas priešgaisrinių plokščių Fireboard siūlėms ir plokštumoms glaistyti. Siūlėms armuoti gali būti naudojama tik stiklo pluošto siūlių armavimo juosta.

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