2018. október 23., kedd

Geze k600

We provide extensive support for your building demands and realise solutions that unite functionality, safety, comfort and design. Connecting expertise - building solutions. Use in the Tissot Arena Biel. GEZE counts among the best worldwide for products, systems and services related to door, window and safety technology, and automatic doors. The RWA K6is the appropriate solution if big opening angles are required.

Due to the opening of the arm on the drive of 93° it’s possible to open Window or doors to an angle of 90°.

GEZE stands for innovation, highest quality and holistic support of building services engineering – from the initial idea, planning and operational implementation with series products to tailor-made system solutions and individual service and maintenance. Dosahují úhlu otevření více než stupňů. Integrované řízení umožňuje synchronizovaný provoz a řízení pořadí zavírání bez přídavného modulu. Navíc je pohon vybaven integrovaným hlásícím. With a choice of larger stroke options it makes it an ideal choice for many smoke control applications.

A K6billenőkaros szellőztető motor friss levegő utánpótló nyílásként kinyitja az ajtókat és az ablakokat. Akkor ajánljuk, ha az ajtóknál és ablakoknál nagy nyílásszögeket kell elérni. Szabadon felfekvő felszereléssel az RWA K6kombinálható a GEZE ajtócsukókkal és ideális megoldást jelent a kényelmesen.

Bei Produkten, Systemlösungen und Service rund um Türen und Fenstern gehört GEZE zur Weltspitze.

Wir unterstützen Sie umfassend bei allen Anforderungen in Ihrem Gebäude. Jest szczególnie przydatny w sytuacjach, gdy jest konieczne uzyskanie dużego kąta otwarcia. W wersji ze swobodnym ramieniem pchającym siłownik K6współpracuje z samozamykaczem GEZE tworząc idealne rozwiązanie dla dróg ewakuacyjnych i otworów napowietrzających. GEZE K6T BRACKET Gezr signal contact, used for example to control electromagnetic lock. K arm drive is designed for emergency opening of doors and windows, as well as for everyday room ventilation.

Hinge Questions – Education Scotland. The door cannot be freely passed through due to the fixed connection of the drive with one door leaf. GEZE RWA K6– Webshop Santensmetaalwaren.

At the angle 90o of drive opening, the sash opens to 90o depending on the construction solution. Electronically adjusted smooth start and stop. Retractable arm drive RWA K6T.

In general it can be installed on the hinge side, side opposite to hinge possible on request. GEZE je jednou z popredných firiem, ktoré v celosvetovom meradle vyvíjajú a produkujú nové systémy pre stavebníctvo v oblasti bezpečnostnej, dvernej a okennej techniky. Bledsoe GPost Op. The drive sits in the lintel, on the frame or the casement. In the version with free pushing arm, K drive cooperates with GEZE closer, thus creating a perfect solution for emergency routes and vent openings.

Torque Worksheet – fairfield. Arm drive for emergency opening of doors, windows, and for room ventilation. In the unrestrained surface-mounted installation the RWA K can be combined with GEZE door closers and is therefore ideal for air inlet openings with high passage convenience.

Detailed description. Price: € net Producer: Geze.

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