2018. április 20., péntek

Baumit speedtop

Ready to use additive for SilikonTop and GranoporTop. Provides accelerated setting and enhanced durability on the façade in high humidity and low temperatures, as well as in fog. Ready-to-use, silicone-resin bound finish render (thin-layer cover coat) with rubbed or grooved structure for interior and external use. Urychlovač doby zrání. Priedas dekoratyviniam tinkui.

Aditiv pentru iarnă. Soluţie gata preparată cu rol de accelerator de priză şi de uscare pentru tencuielile SilikonTop, GranoporTop. Zimná prísada do fasádnych omietok urýchľujúca ich zrenie.

Baumit Life: spalvos pagal tendencijas, įkvėpimus, dizainą ir psichologiją. Kaip užtikrinti optimalų vidaus patalpų komfortą? Baumit Klima produktai reguliuoja patalpos drėgnumą ir oro temperatūrą, taip sukurdami malonų patalpų mikroklimatą. However, you can download specifications file in the section below. Please check out the similar products section for alternatives.

Hint: products with have technical specifications. Piedeva dekoratīvajiem apmetumiem. Baumit gatavajiem dekoratīvajiem apmetumiem, sacietēšanas laika paātrināšanai, kas uzlabo fasāžu noturību pret mitrumu pie gaisa temperatūras no 1°C līdz maks.

Ready-to-use, pasty, synthetic-resin thin-layer final coat with rubbed or grooved structure for interior and outdoor use. Baumit MosaikTop Acrylic, coloured marble stone based render for external splash zones and plinths Ready-to-use, acrylic -based render for external use. Coloured marble stone specifically designed for use at a buildings splash zone and the plinth area. Baumit UniPrimer Ready-to-use, all purpose primer for Baumit render finishes Ready-to-use, all-purpose primer to regulate absorption and improve adhesion for all Baumit render finishes. Baumit GranoporTop can be applied manually and by machine.

Baumit StarColor is extremely water repellent and therefore especially recommended for the base area. Baumit SpeedTop Additive is an anti-freeze product for use with acrylic and silicone renders such as Baumit Silkontop, FineTop or GranoporTop. It speeds up curing in high moisture, high humidity or low temperature environments and ensures you achieve that professional finish whatever the weather.

Baumit SpeedTop is:- a ready to use additive to speed up the setting of silicone and acrylic finish renders. Additive to accelerate the film formation and improvement of the stability on the facade during high humidity and low temperatures as well as in fog. When used correctly by adding SpeedTop the early strength is accelerated and usually occurs after about 4-hours (depending on temperature and humidity). Dodatek zimowy do tynków.

Baumit SpeedTop zimski dodatek Poseben dodatek za vgrajevanje SilikonTop in GranoporTop pri temperaturah od 1°C do 15°C oziroma do max. Tencuieli și Tinciuri. Složení Voda, organické látky, amoniak.

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