2021. január 13., szerda


Manufactured from Gypsum and cellulose fibres. This dense, impact resistant sheet material is suitable for areas of construction where increased durability, rigidity, and mechanical strength is required. Consult The Manual For comprehensive information on all our products and systems, you can consult The Manual. to our newsletter and get exclusive updates.

The broken edge can be smoothed with a profile plane and dusted (required only in applying with glued joint).

Neat edges may be also obtained by using an electric saw (air aspira-tion must be applied). Discover the Philips videowall series. Learn why these videowall series suit your needs. Compare, read reviews and order online.

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A vízszintes lemeztol-dások egymástól 4mm-re kell kerüljenek. Начало, Default Description. Гипсфазерните плоскости на Кнауф са направени от висококачествен печен гипс и целулозни влакна от избрани видове стара хартия, които са смесени в хомогенна смес.

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