2019. február 27., szerda



Never Be Beaten On Prices, Uk Based Customer Service,Free Delivery £39. Certified for threaded bar, construction bars, core-drilled holes and Cseismic loads. Two-component, styrene-free polyester resin in a single cartridge with static mixer, certified as a chemical anchor for metal bars in rough holes in various building materials, such as concrete, stone and soli semisoli perforated and mixed masonry. An adhesive for chemically anchoring metal bar in holes made in building materials.

It is a two component, solvent free product made from pure epoxy resin. It has been specifically developed for chemically anchoring steel and zincplated steel threaded and deformed bars, which transmit light loads, to solid and. Styrene-free, hybrid vinyl resin-based chemical anchor for structural loads. TECHNICAL DATA: Suitable substrates: all solid and perforated substrates such as concrete and concrete derivates, brickwork, mixed masonry, wood and rock. A cement based powder adhesive for fixing tiles in interior and exterior situations.

Mapei Topcem Pallet Offer £ 152. We are temporarily limiting our service to core product items in our local delivery area in order to meet demand. Apologies for all inconvenience caused. EPOKSĪDA PĀRKLĀJUMI U. Pure epoxy, resin-based chemical anchor for structural loads.

It is a 2-component, styrene-free product made from polyester resins. Specifically formulated for anchoring steel and zinc-plated stainles. Podczas stosowania zalecamy używanie okularów i rękawic ochronnych oraz stosowanie zwykłych środków ostrożności przy. Flīžu līmes, šuvotāji. Epoksīda pārklājumi.

Izlīdzinošie sastāvi. Dekoratīvie pārklājumi. Jest klejem do chemicznego kotwienia prętów metalowych w otworach wykonanych z cegły, kamienia i muru mieszanego. Vegyi dűbelek alkalmazásával nem keletkezik feszítőerő a furatban, és peremhez közeli rögzítések is megoldhatóak. POLYPRIMER is a bituminous primer containing oxidized bitumen and a mix of technical quick drying solvents.

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